Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jesus, Lover of My Soul

A part of the human soul begins to decay and crumble when it is left in the darkness of this world without the Holy Spirit of God breathing fresh life into it. Satan attacks such a weak, unprotected soul like a hyena attacks a small, vulnerable critter - ruthlessly, mercilessly,
and gleefully.
I am that human soul.

I am the weak, unprotected, miserable shadow of a soul wandering
and stumbling through the darkness of this world, open to the flaming arrows of the Devil. 
I am undone. I am without hope.
I am the soul full of anger, bitterness, hatred, wickedness, and vengeance. 
I am the sinner at the foot of the cross mocking, spitting, screaming, and cursing the Son of God.
I am the soldier driving nails into Jesus' hands.
I am the thief reviling Jesus.
I am Peter denying his Lord.
I am King David committing adultery.
I am King Saul murdering his enemies, pursuing revenge.
I am Jezebel hating God.
I am the people of Sodom begging to commit wickedness, deserving destruction.
I am Paul slaying Christians, covered in blood.
I am Haaman, proud, arrogant, selfish, hateful, enemy of God.
I am Sarah, laughing in the face of God, without faith.
I am Job, helpless, bitter, angry with God.
I am the self-righteous crowd of Jews yelling at Pontius Pilate,
"Crucify Him!"
I am Lot, more attracted to the world each day, carnal as the day is long.
I am Eve, listening to the Devil blaspheme God Almighty, believing his lies.
I am Naomi, bitter, hardened, cold, ungrateful.

I am undone.

God is the Almighty One, strong, protective, watching over His earth,
looking to rescue those whom He loves.
God is the Righteous Judge, bringing justice to everyone, giving grace and mercy to many souls.
God is the Creator, loving, protecting, and giving life to those whom He has lovingly created for His own pleasure.
God is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end, the essence of life.

God Almighty, Creator of the universe, Righteous Judge, Counselor,
Prince of Peace, loves me.
God Almighty loves me.
The evidence is in the tears streaming down His check, the nail prints in His hands, His soft voice that calls my name, the strength He gives me, the blood He bled for me.

The God of this universe, the lover of my soul, died for me, bought my soul, 
set me free, and is watching over me,
chastening me, loving me. 
Though the storms rage, 
though the Devil viciously attacks, 
though my flesh is week, 
though my soul is sinful,
though I falter and fail, 
though I sin and despair,
though I lack faith, 
though I shame my King, 
though I betray His name,
He loves me.

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