Friday, October 29, 2010

Life Changes, I Change, Jesus Stays the Same

Life's been interesting lately. My two older brothers have moved out and now my family is smaller and things are different ... and so am I. I'm different yet the same. I think I may be just a little tiny bit more mature than I was, say, four or five months ago. But only a little. I'm learning so much, yet ... I'm also forgetting the important things I learned long ago. Like the joy of walking with Jesus. Yeah, I've kind of lost that.
You see, it's really easy to just pick up my Bible occasionally, whisper a quick prayer because I'm either really sad or really happy, talk about God once in awhile, show up at church ...
Yeah, all that's cakewalk when I don't really have to put any effort into it, when there's no life, no sacrifice, no joy.
Lately, I've been reading my Bible a lot, simply because I'm involved in a Bible class that requires us to read thirteen chapters a day ... but I've begun to realize that I'm losing touch with Jesus. He isn't quite my best Friend anymore like He used to be. And it's sad. Really sad. I don't talk to Him all the time, and reading my Bible is turning into a chore. It's not easy for me to pray like it once was. So what do I do? I'm not totally sure, but I think I'm going to get on me knees tonight, and stay there ... for a long time.
Why? Because walking through life is hard, but doing it without Jesus constantly by your side ... is downright frightful! And I miss Him ..... a lot.