Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thank You, Lord!

Thank You, Lord, for life. Thank You for redeeming me from death and Hell! You shed Your own blood, You gave Yourself up completely, You were reviled, You died. Willingly. For me.

I can never repay the debt I owe You. Your love surrounds me, cleanses me, overwhelms me. You are my life, my strength, my rock, my friend. Lord, you are the lover of my soul!

Thank You, Jesus, for Your grace in my life. Thank You for putting me through fires, for holding on to me when I tried everything to run from You. Thank You for giving me strength, for lifting me up to see Calvary when I was crying out in the deep valley. I can not even begin to repay You for Your love.

Thank You, Lord, for Your peace that surpasses my understanding, that washes over me, calms my fearful heart. Your peace is what keeps me sane, thank You, Jesus!

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for my family. My Dad, my Mom, my sisters and my brothers. I could not live without every single one of them! You've blessed me beyond words, and I love You.
Thank You, my Lord.

"I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and He heard me out of His holy hill, Selah!"
~ Psalm 3:4

"He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings!"
~ Psalm 40:2

"Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done, and Thy thoughts which are toward us.
They cannot be reckoned up in order unto Thee.
If I would declare and speak of them,
they are more than can be numbered!"
~ Psalm 40:5

"I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep. For Thou, Lord, only makes me dwell in safety!" ~ Psalm 4:8

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jesus Is All I Need!

My Jesus thoroughly amazes me every single day, and today is no exception. Sometimes I become so caught up in His blessings that I forget Him, my Savior. Getting back into daily, hourly fellowship with the Lord is more thrilling than anything He's ever given me. The Lord is more necessary and more fulfilling than the very breath I breathe to live. But I forget that so easily. The gifts of life become more important than the Giver Himself, and that, indeed, is a very sad fact.

God has been speaking to me through the book of Philippians recently, and this particular passage has held my attention:
"That your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you again.
Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ, that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel."

Wow. It made me stop and think, "What if Paul were to come visit me? Would he find me rejoicing abundantly in Jesus Christ? Would he find me standing fast in one spirit with my church striving for the faith of the gospel?"

So, that's where my thoughts are. My Jesus is so gracious, may my love for Him increase!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lord, Use Me

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. - Isaiah 55:8

I have fallen in love with this verse over the past few days and weeks. It has become so real in my life, and I am thankful that the Lord's ways are not my ways.
He has gradually changed my desires over the summer and given me opportunities that I never would have imagined! How great is our God? He is greater than me, higher than me, and He knows exactly what is best for me!

My thoughts have been selfish, stubborn and rebellious, but the Lord has shown me what destruction such thoughts will bring. My ways have also been selfish and stubborn, but, again, the Lord has shown me that His ways are higher, greater, and more glorifying to Him than any of my ways will ever be! The Lord had to put me flat on my back for weeks, He needed to bring me to the bottom, He had to destroy my plans and break my heart for me to finally give in to His will. He had to put me through fire before I would even begin to realize just how small I am, how great He is and how much He loves me! My desires and plans no longer matter.

I used to think I was consecrated to Him, my loving Savior, but I wasn't really. Now I know that only He can give me direction ... because His ways are not my ways. His thoughts are not my thoughts. I want my ways to become His ways. I want my thoughts to conform to His thoughts. I'm done with trying to twist His thoughts and plans into my own. I'm ready to become who He wants me to become; I'm ready to live, walk, talk, work and do whatever He desires, wherever He plans.

I love my Jesus with all of my heart, He's been so very good to me!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths!" - Proverbs 3:6

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What if Your Healing Comes through Tears?

"What if Your blessings come through raindrops, What if Your healing comes through tears,
What if a thousand sleepless nights ... are what it takes to know You're near?"
- "Blessings" by Laura Story

Recently, my good friend Amanda shared this song with me and it made me start thinking. The last few days, weeks and months have been so hard! Full of tears and sleepless nights ... and yet ... What if this really is what it takes for me to know that my Lord is near? What if all of this pain and sickness and disappointment are what it takes for me to cry out to Jesus? Can I live with it? I have. I will. But it's so hard!

Back in July, I had surgery on my colon and, after five days in the hospital, I was sent home and told to go live my life and be young ... I was told everything would be perfectly fine. So I did. I went home, recuperated and began to live my life ...but it wasn't all fine. By the end of September, the sleepless nights and tears were back along with lots of pain and, this time, vomiting. I couldn't believe it. I laid in bed, absolutely refusing to open my Bible. I didn't care to hear what God had to say. I was angry. And in my mind, God didn't deserve my attention. Oh, the pride and ignorance of my heart!

All I could say to God was, "I thought I was done. I thought this was over. I thought there would be no more pain or problems. Why did You let me down?" He didn't answer. Didn't say a word to me. And I began to feel the most chilling loneliness I have ever felt. No matter how many people were around me, I was all alone.
After a week and a half of vomiting and intense pain, I went in for tests .... On Friday, October 7, I received a call from my surgeon's secretary telling me that I was scheduled for surgery early the next morning. When I hung up the phone, I couldn't even cry. There were no tears left. I simply sat and stared ... for a very long time. Then I said to God, "I can't do this. I can't go through this again ... It hurts too much and it takes too much patience to recover. I can't do this."

Then He spoke to me with His ever still, small voice. "No, you can't do this. It's too much for you to handle, but I can carry you through. I will not take this trial away from you, but I will take you through it. Lean on Me."
Then I cried. How had I been foolish enough to think that my Savior would not care about me and love me enough to carry me through? I truly do not know my Heavenly Father very well!

The few days that I spent in the hospital were spent in a lot of silence, but this silence was no longer lonely, no longer filled with silent anger. God gave me His peace that passes all understanding - what wonderful peace that is!

Since surgery, I've still struggled with my attitude. I feel like my whole year has been "wasted" in doctor's offices and hospitals and at home in bed. But it hasn't. God has been using every single moment to show me that living life does not require being busy, doing stuff, going places, working, socializing with friends, being involved in activities.

In fact, He has shown me that none of that is life at all! It's been a shocking and difficult lesson to learn, but it's true. Life is not all of our activities and business - those are merely necessities, things we must do to survive on earth. But life, real life, is walking with Jesus every moment of every day and resting completely in Him no matter what. Life is not what I thought it was - it is something totally different, something so much better! This year, I practically lived in my bed and in hospitals and doctor's offices, but, the times I spent truly walking with my Lord, I was more alive then when I was totally healthy and busy "living" my life! I can't believe how long and how much it has taken for me to learn what life really is. It's been a very difficult lesson, but a very good one.

I have to quote, again, a little passage that has become so full of meaning and comfort to me during the past month. It's one of the strangest passages, not one I would have ever picked to apply to my situation but it really fits perfectly. I simply stumbled upon it while reading through the prophets of the Old Testament.

Hosea 6:1
"Come, and let us return unto the Lord. For He hath torn, and He will heal us. He hath smitten, and He will bind us up."

Jesus uses trials to turn people's hearts back to Him. In this verse, Hosea is telling Israel that all they need to do is return unto the Lord and He will heal them. It's so simple. But so difficult.

My prayer, as I continue to recover and return to normal "life", is that I will never stop living. That I will never let this "life" get in the way of real living! Because this life is nothing. Nothing but a vapor which disappears in a blink of an eye. I want to live. For real. I want to live fully for Jesus Christ, whether I am in my bed sicker than a dog and in so much pain I can't think or whether I'm completely healthy and busier than ever ... I want to live for Jesus because that is the only living that is really life!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Come, let us return to the Lord

"Come, and let us return unto the Lord. For he hath torn, and he will heal us. He hath smitten, and he will bind us up. (Hosea 6:1) Jesus was called a Man of Sorrows. He suffered greater pain than any Human being ever will. He was beaten, bruised and broken ... For me. Jesus said He would never leave me nor forsake me, yet God plainly said that He tore and smote Israel, but He promised to heal them and bind up their wounds if they would only turn back to Him. If only they would forsake their wicked idols and return to their first love. If only I would truly turn my life over to Christ, every single detail of it! If only I would let Him have complete and total control in every area of my life, He would bind my wounds, He would heal me. If at this very moment I surrender ALL to my Savior, He will give me peace. Peace that passes all understanding. I long to have such a relationship with the Lord that makes it easy for me to trust Him completely. This summer, He wounded me, and He's still in the process of healing my stubborn heart and soul. The more I turn to Him in prayer, obedience and absolute surrender, the more peace and joy He gives. My God is a mighty, powerful Savior whom I am undeservingly blessed to know!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In the Shadow of Thy Wings Will I Make My Refuge!"

Psalms 57:1
"Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me. For my soul taketh refuge in thee. Yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will I take refuge, Until these calamities be overpast."

This has been the most difficult summer of my life. God took my plans and dreams and replaced them with something completely unexpected. His plan. It has been so hard! He rocked my world, turned it upside down ... And said, "Trust me." That was it. No explanation, no reason for the pain, just the simple command to trust Him completely.
I once thought I knew all about faith in God. I once thought I knew everything about God. I was wrong.
I once thought that I could handle any trial Jesus might send my way. I thought I'd be strong. I thought I'd smile and praise Him every step of the way no matter what. I was wrong.

It only took one summer-long trial for God to show me that I knew nothing of faith, I knew little of Him.
In the days back in July before I visited a doctor, when I was in so much pain it hurt to breathe, I would go into deep depression. I would shut out God and people. My soul became an ugly sight of hurt and anger. Mainly hurt.

When I finally started seeking medical help, it only took two weeks of doctors, nurses, tests and hospitals for God to let me know that my plans were no longer going to happen. I was devastated. Horrified.
This reaction from the girl who, just a few months earlier, was thrilled to hand her life's storybook over to God and say, "Here. Write my story, I'll love every bit of it! Don't let me change a thing!"
And that's exactly what He's done. And now I am thankful. I've spent more time praying and crying my heart out to God this summer than almost any other time in my life. Jesus has lifted my up into His high tower, He has been my Rock and my Fortress and my Guide. He has taught me that He is totally and completely trustworthy. Even when everything around me is screaming out that He is not.
Jesus has shown me His love. His beautiful, gentle, heart-breaking love. It was a side of Jesus I had never really seen before. He seemed to cry when I did, to hurt when I was hurting, to hold me close when I reached my lowest moments, to lift me high when I could hardly stand. He was there every step of the way. He is here, beside me, always leading me forward. He will be there tomorrow and forever

It's been the most difficult summer of my life. But it's been the best!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Jesus, the Author and Finisher of My Faith

I've taken steps, I've made decisions. No more guesses, second guesses or midnight pondering. I've taken steps, I've made decisions. Now, the question is, were they the right decisions? At this point, I wish my life were a book and I the author. I would definitely make sure these decisions and plans worked out perfectly. But my life isn't a book, and I'm not the author. My life is a gift from Someone I love dearly. Someone who loves me more than anyone ever could. And since He's given me a brand new life, I've given it back to Him, the Author and Finisher of my faith. He will write the rest of my story, He will finish the plot. And you know what? I'm happy about that. Because I can not know what He knows, I can not control what He controls. And I absolutely can not wait to see my story written out with all the beauty and finesse that can only come from the nail-scarred hands of Jesus!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bringing Every Thought into Captivity

2 Corinthians 10:5 says,
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing
that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

This verse has definitely captured my attention recently .... why? Because my thoughts wander like crazy and so does my imagination. They go everywhere, anywhere, wherever they like. Sometimes I scare myself, sometimes I come up with foolish ideas, sometimes the Devil attacks me with wicked thoughts ... but why?
Because I do not bring my thoughts into captivity. I do not fill my mind with Jesus' Word and push out all of the evil in my mind.
And yet I wonder why I am so confused at times! A mind that is not brought into captivity, a mind that is wide open and undisciplined ... is a fair playground for the Devil. And that's the truth.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

When Will my Dreams Die?

Sometimes I don't even know what to think. What am I doing with my life? Where the heck am I going? I don't know, and sometimes I don't care. But today I care, I just don't know.
College? India? Anywhere-but-Wisconsin? Jeeperz.
If I had ten lives, I'd be able to live each one to the very fullest and still wish for more lives to live out all my crazy, big dreams and fulfill each of my goals!

So, where does it stop? Where do my dreams finally die? Must I hand it all over to God and just say, "Hey, I'm gonna sit here and live day to day and write stuff and work until You say, 'Go.'"
Or am I going to make a decision ... and go for it with all my heart and soul?
I care. I just don't know. What if I make the wrong decision? I don't know, but I don't want to stay here constantly thinking about it .... so help me, I'm getting on my knees tonight with my Bible open and I'm going to cry out to my God until I get some semblance of peace, some semblance of sanity and guidance!

Jesus said, "Follow me." And I did, and I have ... but now I've reached a crossroads, and I don't know which way He went. Because I fell behind. This is apparently what happens when I become obsessed with day to day life (which is great but ...). This is what happens when I dethrone Jesus from being number one in my life ... I get left behind and I don't know where to go.
Who said living for Jesus is easy? Well, I don't think anyone did, but if they did ... they were wrong.
I have dreams, dreams of college, becoming a great pianist, teacher, author .... owner of a wonderful music studio.
I have dreams, dreams of India, orphanages, caring for orphans, teaching, learning, loving and living out my days in India in service to God.
I have dreams, dreams of traveling the world, visiting each and every continent, every city ... every place.
I have dreams.

When will my dreams die?

The same day I do.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Passing Shadow

Psalm 102: 11-12
"My days are like a shadow that declineth, and I am withered like grass. But Thou, o Lord, shalt endure forever, and Thy remembrance unto all generations."

Those verses inspired this following poem:

A Passing Shadow

I am a passing shadow,
Just a piece of withered grass.
My days - a dying meadow,
A wilting field that will pass.

My King is everlasting,
Creator who will endure.
No one will be found asking
For His mercy for sure.

All generations shall know
Of the everlasting King.
Yet so swiftly shall I go
To Heaven - His praise to sing!

Lord, I went back to that evil pit of Pride and Idolatry

Pride and idolatry are wicked, yet I indulged. I became proud of myself and my accomplishments. I became my own idol. It's a sad state, a depressing place to reside - down there in the pit of evil idolatry. Down there, God doesn't show His glorious face. Down there, sin is rampant, evil and stinking. Down in the pit of my own proud idolatry, there is pain. Deep, lacerating soul-scarring pain. Yet, I indulged.
I pushed God to the back of my mind, the bottom of my priority list and as far away from me as possible.
I've done this before and gotten hurt so badly .... yet, I indulged myself again. For three long months I kept it up. And for three long months God's still, small voice never, ever silenced!
He kept calling me, drawing my aching heart toward His and I slowly began to listen. He kept showing me my evil pride and idolatry. His wounded hand kept reaching down into that stinking pit of proud idolatry and finally He lifted me out.
I began to ask why. Why would God do that? Why wouldn't He just give up? Why does He keep bringing me back? These questions burned in me so hotly that I had to find the answer.
By December 30, 2010, I was finally back in God's Word drinking it up like a hoarse, dehygrated desert girl.
A few days later, God led me to the perfect passage. I had started at Psalm 100 and six days later, I discovered Psalm 106.
This is my Bible journal entry for that day:

Dear Lord Jesus,
if I am but a passing shadow, a withering field of grass ... why do You still love me? Why do You keep drawing me back to Yourself? I think You gave me the answer:

Psalm 106:47
"Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the heathen..."

Why should God do that?
"... to give thanks unto Thy holy name. To triumph in Thy praise."

Jesus saved me and continues to draw me to Himself. Why?
Here are some reasons I found in Psalm 106:

~ That I might Praise the Lord!
- verse 1
~ That I might Give Thanks to the Lord!
- verse 1
~ That I might Utter the Mighty Acts of the Lord!
- verse 2
~ That I might show forth ALL His Praise!
- verse 2
~That I might Keep His Judgement at ALL Times!
- verse 3
~ That I might Act Righteously at ALL Times!
- verse 3
~ That I might Remember the Multitude of HIS Mercies!
- verse 7
~ That He might Make HIS power to be Known!
- verse 8
- verse 12
~ That I might Sing His Praise!
- verse 12
~ That He might Keep His Covenant!
(He keeps drawing me back because He said, "No man can pluck them out of My Father's Hand.)
- verse 45
~ That He might Show His Mercy!
- verse 45
~ That I might Give Thanks Unto His Holy Name!
- verse47
~ That I might Triumph in HIS Praise!
- vere 47

Wow. Lord, You have done SO much for me! Thank You! Please help me to be thankful and to praise Your name at ALL times no matter who I am with!