Monday, June 13, 2011

Jesus, the Author and Finisher of My Faith

I've taken steps, I've made decisions. No more guesses, second guesses or midnight pondering. I've taken steps, I've made decisions. Now, the question is, were they the right decisions? At this point, I wish my life were a book and I the author. I would definitely make sure these decisions and plans worked out perfectly. But my life isn't a book, and I'm not the author. My life is a gift from Someone I love dearly. Someone who loves me more than anyone ever could. And since He's given me a brand new life, I've given it back to Him, the Author and Finisher of my faith. He will write the rest of my story, He will finish the plot. And you know what? I'm happy about that. Because I can not know what He knows, I can not control what He controls. And I absolutely can not wait to see my story written out with all the beauty and finesse that can only come from the nail-scarred hands of Jesus!