Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jesus, Heal Me

Food is such a basic necessity, a staple that most people put little thought into. But I've thought about it a lot lately. I'm sensitive to a lot of foods - very sensitive.

Sugar, dairy, gluten... Any food containing those ingredients just kills my stomach and causes severe headaches. I know this, but that doesn't always stop me from eating bad, nasty, processed food containing those ingredients. Why? Why can't I just force myself to always make the right choice? Because. I'm human. Because. I have not given it over to the Lord and said, "I will do my part. I will eat healthy food and stay away from problem food. And I then I'll trust You, Lord, to heal me more fully and completely."

So, tonight, I'm giving it to the Lord. He is the Almighty Healer, He does not need my help, but He does desire my obedience in doing what I know to do in order to heal more swiftly.

After a weekend of "poison food," I am paying dearly for my foolish choices. It's not worth it. Not a single bit.

So, dear Jesus, take me. Take my health, my choices, my attitude, my will and my pride. Break me. Then, Lord ... please heal me.

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